For the sake of reference, here are the links to the other posts in the series, each of which focussed on one chapter of The Denial of Death. I did not see fit to comment on every chapter of the work, but I think I have got enough of Becker's own argument in for anyone reading the posts in order to be able to follow along; of course the best thing to do, if his thesis interests you, is to read the book for yourself.
- Styx in Denial
- The Terror of Death
- Existential Dualism and You
- Human Character as a Vital Lie
- The Nexus of Unfreedom
- Becker's Heroes
- Rank Neurosis
Now we'll proceed straight to the commentary. This post will be much more like the first of the series, for I think, at this point, that not many more of Becker's own conclusions need to be cited at length.